Sunday, January 24, 2010

What does Fashioneur Mean?



1.a prevailing custom or style of dress, etiquette, socializing, etc.: the latest fashion in dresses.
2.conventional usage in dress, manners, etc., esp. of polite society, or conformity to it: the dictates of fashion; to be out of fashion.
3.manner; way; mode: in a warlike fashion.
4.the make or form of anything: He liked the fashion of the simple, sturdy furniture.
5.a kind; sort: All fashions of people make up the world.
7.Obsoleteact or process of making.
–verb (used with object) give a particular shape or form to; make: The cavemen fashioned tools from stones. accommodate; adjust; adapt: doctrines fashioned to the varying hour.
10.Shipbuildingto bend (a plate) without preheating.
11.Obsoleteto contrive; manage.
12.after or in a fashion, in some manner or other or to some extent; in a makeshift, unskillful, or unsatisfactory way: He's an artist after a fashion.
1250–1300; ME facioun shape, manner < AF faço(u)n, façun, OFfaceon < L factiōn- (s. of factiō) a doing, company. See faction 

fash⋅ion⋅less, adjective

1. mode; fad, rage, craze. Fashion, style, vogue imply popularity or widespread acceptance of manners, customs, dress, etc. Fashion is that which characterizes or distinguishes the habits, manners, dress, etc., of a period or group: the fashions of the 18th century. Styleis sometimes the equivalent of fashion, but also denotes conformance to a prevalent standard: to be in style; a chair in the Queen Anne style. Vogue suggests the temporary popularity of certain fashions: this year's vogue in popular music. 4. shape, cut, pattern, figure. 8. frame, construct, mold. 9. suit, fit.



French suffix -eur (the equivalent of English -er).


in English
of “er” and “or” that, when attached to a verb, mean “one who performs this
action, as “sailor”, one who sails; or “baker”, one who bakes.


Although, -eur, is for a male, I am not a male, I am a female.

Fashioneur- One who preforms the action of Fashion.

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