Friday, June 25, 2010

My thoughts on Fall 2010 Shows, Chanel PLUS: Lady GaGa's Fall

First I am going to tell you about Lady GaGa's fall. She was in an airport wearing shoes worthy of being in my post Shoes, shoes, shoes, and fell. Hmmm... I wonder why...
Fashionable shoes are not always made for walking any farther than down a runway, but maybe that is what she was planning to do, they do have runways at airports, just a different kind.
Ooopsy Daisy!

Now, about Chanel
"Giant chunks of bona fide iceberg, specially transported from Scandinavia, formed the frozen landscape around which models solemnly splashed through a sea of 'berg-melt in shaggy snow boots with ice-block heels." Sarah Mower said about the Paris show's runway (kind of). This seasons show was filled with (faux) fur and fuzz. It started out with a few outfits that were almost full body suits of fur, then outfits with fur attached, more classic outfits. It was unlike anything Chanel has ever done, but it had many aspects that were classic Chanel looks. There were also slight touches of modern looks, aviator sunglasses paired with furry pants, a leather jacket and a beaded necklace. Later in the show some outfits had more shape and structure. Then a wooly fabric became knotted into various outfits, creating patterns and shapes on the clothes. This show was hard not to love, it was a perfect example of absolute fashion, not defined by style, purely fashion.
A few of my favorites:


The Fashioneur

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